About This Website

HTML code

The task: CS50's SET 8

Create a simple homepage that introduces yourself, your favorite hobby or extracurricular, or anything else of interest to you using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


The internet has enabled incredible things. But it turns out that nearly all pages we may visit are built on three core languages, each of which serves different purposes: HTML, used to describe website content; CSS, used to describe website aesthetics; and JavaScript, used to make websites interactive and dynamic.


  • Contain at least four different .html pages, at least one of which is index.html, and it should be possible to get from any page on your website to any other page by following one or more hyperlinks.
  • Use at least ten (10) distinct HTML tags besides <html>, <head>, <body>, and <title>.
  • Integrate one or more features from Bootstrap into your site.
  • Have at least one stylesheet file of your own creation, styles.css, which uses at least five (5) different CSS selectors, and within which you use a total of at least five (5) different CSS properties, such as font-size, or margin
  • Integrate one or more features of JavaScript into your site to make your site more interactive.
  • Ensure that your site looks nice on browsers both on mobile devices as well as laptops and desktops.